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Should atheists be barred from running for office in the U.S.A?

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Well, I hate this already, but apparently several states in the U.S have "banned" atheists (including my state), even though the first amendment counters the states constitutions, I felt this would be a topic to debate about. 
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    Should atheists be barred from running for office in the U.S.A?

    15 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No

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  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    Why should non-religious people be barred for holding political positions in the U.S Government? That is discrimination, though I would not approve of Muslims running for office, I feel that non-religious people should not be barred from holding political positions in the U.S Government.
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

    We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.~Orson Welles
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @George_Horse Well, it's nice to some people actually believe in equality for all
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    Yes because they have no respect for religious liberty.
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  

    Should atheists be barred from running for office in the U.S.A?

    Perhaps the more rational question is, should those that believe in the supernatural be barred.
    "I have often thought that theism is the last acceptable prejudice." Sib
    Why would we consider for public employment those that confess to a belief system that is clearly not based in reality?
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Prove me wrong. Prove that atheists respect religious liberty.
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Prove me wrong. Prove that atheists respect religious liberty.
    There's no such thing as a burden of disproof.
    You take a position, but are unable to defend it?

    I've never met a self-declared atheist that doesn't exercise religious liberty; the freedom to believe, or disbelieve as they wish.

    You accuse them of disrespect the very right they benefit from? Yours is an amusing position. But it's up to you to defend it.
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought Oh, boy. again 

    Do you see "Under atheism, We trust" on the dollar bills?

    Is there "Under atheism" in the pledge of allegiance?

    Do atheists knock at your door and then explain their lack of believe in god?

    If you can't prove these questions to be true, then atheists respect others religious liberty, than Christians who attempt to shove religion down atheists 
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
    "Do you see "Under atheism, We trust" on the dollar bills?" Z1
    Do you?
    But I have seen "In god we trust", which in my opinion is a violation of our First Amendment.
    If you had a point in mind you may wish to consider making it.
    "Is there "Under atheism" in the pledge of allegiance?" Z1
    The pledge of allegiance is mainly a private enterprise.
    It took an act of congress to add "under god".
    But the original is from a boy's magazine, and was attended by a salute.
    They scrapped the salute because when Hitler came along the pledge of allegiance salute looked too much like the heil Hitler salute.
     "Do atheists knock at your door and then explain their lack of believe in god?"
    Nobody knocks on my door.
    If you can't prove these questions to be true,
    Please explain how a question could be anything else. What is a false question?
    then atheists respect others religious liberty, than Christians who attempt to shove religion down atheists
    You mean atheists don't proselytize?
    You may wish to research the now deceased Madalyn Murray O'Hair.

    I don't doubt your vehemence Z1. It's your mastery of the subject that seems deficient. You're entitled to your opinion, informed or not. Would you have us disbelieve 1963 Murray v. Curlett? Religionists push. Atheists and agnostics push back.

  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Well, I hate this already, but apparently several states in the U.S have "banned" atheists (including my state), even though the first amendment counters the states constitutions, I felt this would be a topic to debate about. 
    The god of this world through Religion has always ruled over mankind, this is why;  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here.” - John 18:36
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
    "Religion has always ruled over mankind" E
    It's not clear to me how Christianity could have ruled before Christ was born. You didn't assert otherwise. I'm merely clarifying that then it would have been some religion/s other than Christianity.
    Early man may have had mythopoeic notions, without anthropomorphizing a specific deity about it.

    Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?'

    Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.' Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?' Annie Dillard
    Religion has intruded on me for virtually my entire life. But I have never subscribed to anything that would pass as a religion.
    "The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant

  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought I'm not dictating your vote, I'm just saying that atheists don't do the things in the questions I asked. But to answer your  questions
    #1 While I've never heard of a BaC rape someone, doesn't mean they don't exist
    #2 The irony here. In the Bible, there are multiple verses that talk about genocide, torture, rape, murder, ethnic cleansing etc. So, does "God" think murder is wrong?
    #3 ! Do you really think atheists would openly admit to being atheists? That's like asking "Did you see any Jews in the German Army?" Of course that's going to be hard to know some things that are revealed about a person can have dire consequences 
    You really need to chill out 
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Atheists rape more than Christians because they deny that objective morallity exist, denying that rape is objectively wrong. That is rape culture, sir. I don't like, trust, or respect atheists, and you feel the same about me. That is why you want to take religious liberty away from Christians, but you never whine about other religions, making you ethically and intellectually inconsistant. you will never change my mind. I would rather shove a broom stick up my hindquarters than ever vote for an atheist. If you want to be or support an atheist, that is your problem. I am probablely not voting anyway due to a lack of centrist leadership. That also makes me mad. Like I lean forward, not left or right. Yes I would risk my life to save that of an atheist, but I don't have to respect someone to pray for them. I will pray for anyone, but trust very few. This might make me a bigot, but show me oine atheist that respect TRUE religious liberty for everyone age ten and older, and affirms objective morality, and I might change my mind. I actually almost became an atheist due to pstsd, but changed my mind. I used to be agnostic until I became a Christian. The point is, I have been mind blanked by life, and am horribly afraid of atheists, the way they are of me. Let me ask you a question, sir: Would you want a Christian POTUS? Are you any different towards christians? If you don't want God in your life, don't worship Him, but you are surely missing out on true love that died for you. I am sorry if I offend you, but trust misplaced is a powerful thing. You don't have to answer the following question, but have you ever been in an abusive relationship with a religious person? Don't answer, but keep that in mind when you realize why I will never trust an atheist.
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought Do you have any reliable sources to back your claim up? Because you sound like every other Christian I've debated
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  

    "@Zombieguy1987 Do you see born again Christians raping their children like my atheist father raped me?"

     I sympathize for crime victims, and harbor particular disdain for those that criminally exploit children.
    That said, I didn't see your father rape you, so I haven't witnessed such rape by either side of the theological divide.
    "Do you see Christians denying that rape or murder is objectively wrong?"

     I've never seen anyone do that, though I'm aware of NAMBLA.

     "Do you see atheists in foxholes? Nope."

     Correct. They (we) can't be seen there. We're in foxholes.

    "You atheists will never have my vote."

     I'm not so sure. Have you consulted for theological credentials your auto-mechanic, your grocier, your dentist, your insurance agent?
     "My vote, my right. You don't get to dictate whether I vote or what or who for."


     "You will never change my mind"

     "A closed mind is an empty mind." Charles Emerson Winchester III / M*A*S*H #4077
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    sear said:
    "Religion has always ruled over mankind" E
    It's not clear to me how Christianity could have ruled before Christ was born. You didn't assert otherwise. I'm merely clarifying that then it would have been some religion/s other than Christianity.
    Early man may have had mythopoeic notions, without anthropomorphizing a specific deity about it.

    Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?'

    Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.' Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?' Annie Dillard
    Religion has intruded on me for virtually my entire life. But I have never subscribed to anything that would pass as a religion.
    "The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant


    That's why you should get out of Religion, and seek the Way, the truth and the Life! It's NOT a Religion, but a religious walk in the truth, and defending the truth by seeking evidence with substance, like the Bible teaches.

     There is a difference between following some Religion with all the man made doctrines, and being religious about living a life guided by the light, Gods light. There is no denominations in whom I follow, we are all one in heart, soul and mind, and we know whom we follow. We don't have to come up with doctrines to explain to people whom we follow or books upon books outside the Bible in how to interpret what we believe?

    Christianity, the Religion part was created by the RCC under Constantine, it's about 1,700 years old. Each "Religion" has their own gods, either those that are made by hands, and or by doctrines which are divined by spirits from the supernatural realm and this has been around for just about right after Cain killed Abel his brother, when God marked him and he went off creating other gods to worship.

    Christians go to Jesuit created Schools of Divinity and Trinity Colleges, and get a degree in "Divinity", so they can better "divine" for the spirits that dwell in the supernatural realm. Look it up?

    the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.
    synonyms:fortune telling, divining, prophecy, prediction, soothsaying, augury

    Leviticus 19:26 ‘You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying.

    Jerimiah 14:14 And the Lord said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.

    Ezekiel 12:24 For no more shall there be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel.

    Ezekiel 13:7 Have you not seen a futile vision, and have you not spoken false divination? You say, ‘The Lord says,’ but I have not spoken.”

    Acts 16:16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling.

    The same way Christian churches make "much profit" fortune telling. divining half truths and even lies as to who God really is, and who His son Word is, by this they fill their churches, offering quick salvation to hurting and lost people seeking for spiritual help.
    They greet you at the door with a smile and a handshake, their message is to fill ones itching ears, and offer you salvation by some words you repeat, then like they did at a big Baptist church when my wife got baptized, they gave us a stack of 'tithing-envelopes', .. and said: here you are, and welcome into our fold. Jesus loves you, God loves you, all three of them love you, and if you don't tithe, you break Gods commandment.

    Here is an example of the deceived, look at the sincerity of her message regarding her idol, Christian TV star Jan Crouch:

    Related imageImage result for pictures of pagan hand signs

    and here is how Jan Crouch reached people, .. those sweet little old ladies saving their little left over money for groceries from their Social Security checks.
    (and me and my wife used to watch this a lot back 20 some years ago)

    Now can you see the difference between Christian and Christ? There is no Christ in Christian, what they have is their sun-god

  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
     "That's why you should get out of Religion" E 5:27
     - ah -

    So it's the same reason you should stop beating your spouse.

     Got it.
     "and seek the Way, the truth and the Life! It's NOT a Religion, but a religious walk in the truth, and defending the truth by seeking evidence with substance, like the Bible teaches." E
    You take me for a naïve fool.
    It's a logical reality as fundamental as the syllogism.
    Your conclusion is wrong because your premise is false.
    "There is a difference between following some Religion with all the man made doctrines, and being religious about living a life guided by the light, Gods light. There is no denominations in whom I follow, we are all one in heart, soul and mind, and we know whom we follow." E
    You worship the teacher.
    I honor the noble teachings.
    It's but one of the fundamental differences between us.
    "Look it up?"
    Are you commanding me, asking me, or making a suggestion?

    In any case, I have nothing to gain by retracing those steps. I attended to these fundamental details in my teens, completing them in my 20's. No point in a repeat.

  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Atheists rape more than Christians because they deny that objective morallity exist, denying that rape is objectively wrong. That is rape culture, sir. I don't like, trust, or respect atheists, and you feel the same about me. That is why you want to take religious liberty away from Christians, but you never whine about other religions, making you ethically and intellectually inconsistant. you will never change my mind. I would rather shove a broom stick up my hindquarters than ever vote for an atheist. If you want to be or support an atheist, that is your problem. I am probablely not voting anyway due to a lack of centrist leadership. That also makes me mad. Like I lean forward, not left or right. Yes I would risk my life to save that of an atheist, but I don't have to respect someone to pray for them. I will pray for anyone, but trust very few. This might make me a bigot, but show me oine atheist that respect TRUE religious liberty for everyone age ten and older, and affirms objective morality, and I might change my mind. I actually almost became an atheist due to pstsd, but changed my mind. I used to be agnostic until I became a Christian. The point is, I have been mind blanked by life, and am horribly afraid of atheists, the way they are of me. Let me ask you a question, sir: Would you want a Christian POTUS? Are you any different towards christians? If you don't want God in your life, don't worship Him, but you are surely missing out on true love that died for you. I am sorry if I offend you, but trust misplaced is a powerful thing. You don't have to answer the following question, but have you ever been in an abusive relationship with a religious person? Don't answer, but keep that in mind when you realize why I will never trust an atheist.
    My question is, are YOU alright? You seem to have deep hatred for non-religious people/atheists. Why is that?
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

    We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.~Orson Welles
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought mmmmmmmmmm, oh the irony (again smh) Middle Eastern countries have a rape culture, not any Western nation, like the U.S.A. Why? because of Islam, where if a woman is raped, she HAS to marry her rapist. Does that sound moral Yeshua? Oh wait, because Islam is a religion, you're going to say that's a freaking fallacy, even though statistics show that atheists are more moral. As only 0.2% of criminals in America are atheist. smarter, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Hawking etc. and peaceful, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland all have a huge percent of atheists and are more peaceful than the U.S.A. Finally, younger generations are becoming more atheist, so even if your claims are "true", atheism will over take Christianity as the most popular religion in the U.S.A. I'm "sorry", but the facts are not in your favor (again)
  • WordsMatterWordsMatter 493 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought how do you feel about Catholic priests molesting children
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    sear said:
     "That's why you should get out of Religion" E 5:27
     - ah -

    So it's the same reason you should stop beating your spouse.

     Got it.
     "and seek the Way, the truth and the Life! It's NOT a Religion, but a religious walk in the truth, and defending the truth by seeking evidence with substance, like the Bible teaches." E
    You take me for a naïve fool.
    It's a logical reality as fundamental as the syllogism.
    Your conclusion is wrong because your premise is false.
    "There is a difference between following some Religion with all the man made doctrines, and being religious about living a life guided by the light, Gods light. There is no denominations in whom I follow, we are all one in heart, soul and mind, and we know whom we follow." E
    You worship the teacher.
    I honor the noble teachings.
    It's but one of the fundamental differences between us.
    "Look it up?"
    Are you commanding me, asking me, or making a suggestion?

    In any case, I have nothing to gain by retracing those steps. I attended to these fundamental details in my teens, completing them in my 20's. No point in a repeat.

    - ah -
    So it's the same reason you should stop beating your spouse.
    Got it.

    If Religion, or it could be alcoholism, or whatever makes you beat your spouse, YES, .. get out of it. Start AA, or read a self help book, the best out there that helped billions of people over the 2,000 years, including myself, is the Bible, more specifically the N.T. - Christs teachings.

    sear - You take me for a naïve fool.
    It's a logical reality as fundamental as the syllogism.
    Your conclusion is wrong because your premise is false.

    Naïve fool, .. umm, .. if you think my premise is syllogism I wouldn't say fool, maybe just falsely indoctrinated, and you judge me by that.
     Like that Infinite God is the god of Christianity, where He is said to be a triune-God, plural, and his Only Begotten son Word, the first of all of Gods creation is a sun-god. Is this the premise you were brought up to believe and follow? If so, good thing you got out of Religion. Remain an atheist, and seek the Truth, the Way and the Life, now show me how this premise could be wrong?

    sear - You worship the teacher.
    I honor the noble teachings.
    It's but one of the fundamental differences between us.

    John 20:29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed.
    Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    How could I worship the teacher whom I never seen? I don't have any photos, paintings, crosses, fish symbols, sculptures, shrouds, triangles or anything depicting the Teacher, I know him by, and solely rely on his teachings. If you say that's what you do, .. well then we'd be in agreement. So one of us is lost, just as all who are still in, .. or many of those that got out of Religion are.
    Do you feel lost? Because I, sure as there is a hell did feel lost for years, .. but now I'm found, all because I read those Words from outside of Religious Indoctrination.

    sear - Are you commanding me, asking me, or making a suggestion?

    Just a suggestion my friend, just a suggestion, so you wouldn't have to take my word for it: "Look it up"! It's a common term for those who are computer literate, .. hey, just look it up, .. or I "know, I'll just look it up!". I wouldn't command you to do anything, I claim no authority, no title other then a disciple of the Teacher. But we are free to direct, instruct, hint, .. right? I told you I don't belong in any Religion, I am NOT a teacher. I just point to One whose words I trust, .. it proved itself a thousand time over in my life. Actually, me being alive right now proves it!

    sear - In any case, I have nothing to gain by retracing those steps. I attended to these fundamental details in my teens, completing them in my 20's. No point in a repeat.

    I hear you buddy, .. and I would never suggest for anyone to go back there again. But, I'm sure you gained a lot of wisdom from the experience though, .. that's something I would love to hear about, to learn a different perspective if you know what I mean? I don't want to hear someone's Religion, but what they learned in getting out of it, now that can be a gem listening to!
    Why did you get out, .. you felt you weren't good enough for them like many ex-Mormons, ex JW's felt!? Or that; they were nothing like what they taught? .. what?

    Me, I was excommunicated from a few, simply shunned by the others since they could not back up the deceptions and lies that they were teaching.

    Thank you again for responding.
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @YeshuaBought mmmmmmmmmm, oh the irony (again smh) Middle Eastern countries have a rape culture, not any Western nation, like the U.S.A. Why? because of Islam, where if a woman is raped, she HAS to marry her rapist. Does that sound moral Yeshua? Oh wait, because Islam is a religion, you're going to say that's a freaking fallacy, even though statistics show that atheists are more moral. As only 0.2% of criminals in America are atheist. smarter, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Hawking etc. and peaceful, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland all have a huge percent of atheists and are more peaceful than the U.S.A. Finally, younger generations are becoming more atheist, so even if your claims are "true", atheism will over take Christianity as the most popular religion in the U.S.A. I'm "sorry", but the facts are not in your favor (again)

    Specifically this:
     @Zombieguy1987 wrote: even though statistics show that atheists are more moral. As only 0.2% of criminals in America are atheist. smarter, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Hawking etc. and peaceful, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland all have a huge percent of atheists and are more peaceful than the U.S.A.

    Only 0.2% of criminals are atheists? True, .. what you leave out is that 100% of them were atheists before they came into prison. There they are given a Bible, and become theists.
     Like the saying goes: "Don't worry about having the Bible taken out of schools, your children will get one as they're booked into prison!"

    Here is "smarter" Richard Dawkins:

    Richard Dawkins is a lying, deceiving, grave robbing, skull & bones worshipping Satanist. No different than the Zionist Bill Maher as seen in his "Religulous" movie. They seek out simple moral people, and using their Masters snake tongue of divination, cherry pick their questions based NOT on the Bible, but a perverted interpretation of the Bible specifically based on the Christian Religion with its pagan god worshipping, rapist, blood thirsty murdering past, and make comments about our Infinite Creator based on that, and mocking, ridiculing hard working simple people like truck drivers caught off guard as examples.

    I would love to debate these morally deprived, Satanic enemies of humanity before either of us die, especially regarding their Religious beliefs on the alternative solution they claim for a Creator, their doctrines of Big-bang and Evolution! This complete nonsense based on  Comic Book science fiction, and ancient child sacrificing Pagan Religions, backed up by pseudoscience, .. and show the world just how depraved these so-called atheists really are!
    Atheists Bah! They're no atheists!

    They are one of the Leaders of the most dangerous Religious cult that caused Gods wrath upon the earth like Noah's flood, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and is what's bringing about humanities coming destruction, .. lead by no other than the serpent that deceived Eve.

    Image result for pic of serpent tongue nasa

    Look at this .. umm, .. what would we call him, a Biblical Scholar?

    Nope, I believe these people skimmed through the Bible, seen that it was irrefutable, shut it, and turned their concentration on simple believers/disciples following Christ as best as they can from what they were given.
    Or, .. to avoid controversy, they make speeches before a God-hating, cheering at any mocking of God audience, record it, label it under "science".

    As for Stephen Hawking,

    the Only thing associating him to any books he supposedly wrote is his name on it. He has been under ZioNazi nursing care since he no longer could move or talk. Look at the MK-Ultra'd audience, if ANYONE thinks he is actually using his eyes to communicate with the screen must be morons. As far as anyone can tell, he gets shocks to his cheeks each time just before the 70's answering machine continues to play the prerecorded message that the Nazis, (the same ones running NASA here in the State) have created.

    Ireland is Catholic Christian, they are theists who believe in at least three gods. Peaceful? Do you even know their past? And if they are peaceful right now, is because TPTB finally stopped stirring up trouble, .. at least for now. "Peace, peace then comes sudden destruction"

    As for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland (you left out Germany) are peaceful because they are too busy causing havoc here in the US and the rest of the world from their headquarters, from their 'other' homes here in the States and Canada.

    Who do you think cause hatred, discrimination, dissention and  wars, ..  and the illusion of "peace and prosperity"? It's always the same people.
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
    E July 22

    "... no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion." Thomas More (1478 - July 6, 1535 @ age 57) NOTE: Canonized by the Roman Catholic church 1935; Saint More?

    "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787.

    "Believe nothing,

    No matter where you read it,

    Or who has said it,

    Not even if I have said it,

    Unless it agrees with your own reason

    And your own common sense." Buddha

    E 12:55AM

    You think Stephen Hawking is a hoax? Then who wrote A Brief History of Time  ?
    Some books are ghost-written. I understand that.
    But any ghost-writer good enough to earn global acclaim for astrophysics would be a celebrity in his own right; as much of a celebrity as Hawking.

    Ockham's Razor:
    if you have a rational reason to suspect fraud, please present it.
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @Evidence hahahahahahahahaha.
     I'm sorry, how are the countries you just mentioned causing harm in the U.S and the rest of world? The last time Germany caused any trouble was during the Cold War, Switzerland has been neutral since 1815, and has done nothing important to cause trouble. Denmark, Sweden and Norway have done no harm since WW2, so your claim that those countries are causing harm is laughable! 
  • WordsMatterWordsMatter 493 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 To be fair, Germany sells nuclear technology to Iran despite the sanctions, via shell companies. Whether or not you see that as causing harm is debate-able, but I can see how someone can reasonably call that harm, but I doubt @evidence even knew about that.
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    sear said:
    E July 22

    "... no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion." Thomas More (1478 - July 6, 1535 @ age 57) NOTE: Canonized by the Roman Catholic church 1935; Saint More?

    "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787.

    "Believe nothing,

    No matter where you read it,

    Or who has said it,

    Not even if I have said it,

    Unless it agrees with your own reason

    And your own common sense." Buddha

    E 12:55AM

    You think Stephen Hawking is a hoax? Then who wrote A Brief History of Time  ?
    Some books are ghost-written. I understand that.
    But any ghost-writer good enough to earn global acclaim for astrophysics would be a celebrity in his own right; as much of a celebrity as Hawking.

    Ockham's Razor:
    if you have a rational reason to suspect fraud, please present it.
    @sear Thank you buddy.

    You said/quoted: 

    "... no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion." Thomas More (1478 - July 6, 1535 @ age 57) NOTE: Canonized by the Roman Catholic church 1935; Saint More?

    Yeah, .. holy words right? I'm sure Pol Pot, Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones would all agree with him.

    "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787.

    I agree!

    sear - "Believe nothing,

    No matter where you read it,

    Or who has said it,

    Not even if I have said it,

    Unless it agrees with your own reason

    And your own common sense." Buddha

    I agree there too, just like it is written "prove all things!"

    sear - E 12:55AM
    You think Stephen Hawking is a hoax? Then who wrote A Brief History of Time  ?
    Some books are ghost-written. I understand that.
    But any ghost-writer good enough to earn global acclaim for astrophysics would be a celebrity in his own right; as much of a celebrity as Hawking.

    Oh come on now, .. it's on "cosmology", .. anyone could write science fiction stuff, even Joseph Smith. He's populating the planet Kolob 2.5 parsecs East of planet Tatooine. Really, just ask Jabba the Hutt? 

    sear - Ockham's Razor:
    if you have a rational reason to suspect fraud, please present it.

    I have and I doo, evidence is my name.
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 To be fair, Germany sells nuclear technology to Iran despite the sanctions, via shell companies. Whether or not you see that as causing harm is debate-able, but I can see how someone can reasonably call that harm, but I doubt @evidence even knew about that.

    Bah, .. what do I know. But I did come from Vienna in 1968 at the same time, and on same plane as Arnold Sczhwartszenegger, and have a few German family, and friends, including church mostly German we attended doesn't mean I keep an eye on German News, right?

    Wait,  .. whaaaa? Germany sells nuclear technology to Iran!? NAWWW? Does it work, .. the technology I mean? If it's NASA/CERN stuff, they may sell it, but doesn't mean it works. Germans are very smart! Maybe they sold Ahmadinejad some land on the moon and Mars too?
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  

    ... no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion." Thomas More (1478 - July 6, 1535 @ age 57) NOTE: Canonized by the Roman Catholic church 1935; Saint More?

    "Yeah, .. holy words right? I'm sure Pol Pot, Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones would all agree with him." E 1:31

    You're conflating personal private theology with conduct.

    "The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant

    if you have a rational reason to suspect fraud, please present it.

    "I have and I doo, evidence is my name." E
    a) You have not.

    b) You may believe so, but until you present it, it can't be evaluated for validity.

    c) No.
    "Evidence" is your pseudonym.
    But if Hitler had called himself "Benevolence", it wouldn't have reduced the death toll of the gypsies he killed.

  • JoesephJoeseph 813 Pts   -  
    No they shouldn’t , only the most backward of countries and people would allow for such a thing .

    Views on whether you believe in a god or should not have anything to do whether you are a suitable candidate to run for office, such views should be kept to oneself
  • searsear 109 Pts   -  
    " such views should be kept to oneself " J 4:48

    - Q:

    What political philosopher or thinker do you most identify with, and why?

    - Bush:

    "Uh Christ, because he changed my heart."

    - Q:

    "I think the viewer would like to know more on how he's changed your heart."

    - Bush:

    "Well, if they don't know it's going to be hard to explain.

    Uhm, when you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as a savior, it changes your heart. It changes your life; and that's what happened to me."

    - WHO-TV Republican Presidential candidate debate / Des Moines, Iowa / December 13, 1999

  • JoesephJoeseph 813 Pts   -  
    Yes I would have much preferred if Bush kept this to himself , but he was asked 
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph Thank you, finally someone understands the religion should have zero influence when it comes to politics.
  • JoesephJoeseph 813 Pts   -  

    You’re welcome , I think it outrageous that certain states in the U S discriminate against Atheists who want to run for office , is it the assumption that being a Christian somehow makes one a better candidate ?    That is amusing to say the least 
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    Well, that's the south for you
  • JoesephJoeseph 813 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Dont think I’m gonna move there 
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    You’re welcome , I think it outrageous that certain states in the U S discriminate against Atheists who want to run for office , is it the assumption that being a Christian somehow makes one a better candidate ?    That is amusing to say the least 
    There are atheists, and then there are the Religious BB-Evolution atheist who are a religious cult that has already perverted science, it opened the door to Sodom and Gomorrah type immorality, and behind the scenes treat humans as animals.
  • JoesephJoeseph 813 Pts   -  
    You say ........
    There are atheists, and then there are the Religious BB-Evolution atheist......

    Whar evidence have you  for this claim ?

    You say ...... who are a religious cult that has already perverted science.....

    what are you talking about ? 

    You say ......, it opened the door to Sodom and Gomorrah type immorality,........

    How ? 

    You say .......and behind the scenes treat humans as animals.

    Who treats people as animals ?
  • Nathaniel_BNathaniel_B 182 Pts   -  
    Of course not. Why should we have to decide who runs for office? The United States was founded on freedom, not religion, I say let my fellow atheists run! About time for a change! I might run If I could!
    “Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.” ~Peter Drucker 

    "It's not a gun control problem, it's a cultural control problem."
    Bob Barr
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